

1. Name and contact details of the responsible person for the processing of data and the data protection officer of the company
This data protection information applies for the processing of data by:


meeco AG
Herein represented by its Directors Sebastian Bovensiepen & Thomas Beindorf
Industriestrasse 16
6300 Zug
Phone: +41 41 710 51 71

The data protection officer of meeco AG, Mr. Eric Helms, can be reached at the above-mentioned address, for the attention of Mr. Harry Kurschat, or directly via phone (+49 21611858106) or via e-mail:


2. Collection and retention of personal data and kind and purpose of their use
Our website can be used without entering any personal information. However, different rules may apply to certain services on our site and the same are explained separately below. We collect personal information from you (e.g. name, address, email address, telephone number, etc.) in accordance with the provisions of German data protection statutes and any other applicable law. Information is considered personal if it can be associated exclusively to a specific natural person. The legal framework for data protection may be found in the European Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as GDPR), the German Federal Data Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as BDSG) and the Telemedia Act (hereinafter referred to as TMG). The provisions below serve to provide information as to the manner, extent and purpose for collecting, using and processing personal information by the provider.

a) Visit of our website

Every time our website is accessed, user data is automatically transmitted by the web browser of your device to the server of our website. This information is temporarily stored in so called log files. The following data are automatically collected and stored until the automatic deletion:

IP address of the requesting computer
Date and time of the access
Name and URL of the accessed file
Website, from which the access is obtained (referrer URL)
Used browser and possibly the operating system of your computer as well as the name of the access provider
We use the named data for the following purposes:

To ensure a smooth connection set-up of our website
To ensure a comfortable usage of our website
To analyse the system security and stability
For further administrative purposes

The legal basis for the processing of data is article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter f of GDPR. Our legitimate interest is a result of the above-listed purposes for the processing of data. We will in no event use the collected data to draw conclusions about your person.

Furthermore, we use cookies and analysis services when you are visiting our website. You can find more information on this in the clauses 4 and 5 of this data protection regulation.

You can visit our website without providing any information about yourself. Every time our website is accessed, user data is transmitted by your web browser and stored in protocol files (server log files). This data includes for example the name of the accessed page, date and time of the visit, volume of the data transmitted and the requesting provider. This data is exclusively used to ensure a smooth operation of our website and to improve our services. A connection of data to one single person is not possible.

b) Registration for our newsletter

As far as you have expressly agreed according to article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter a of GDPR , we use your e-mail address to regularly send you our newsletter for information and promotional purposes. To receive our newsletter, the disclosure of an email address is sufficient. We will review the email address you provide for the purpose of determining if you are in fact the owner of the email address provided or if the actual owner of said address is authorised to receive the newsletter.

The data thereby collected is used solely for the purpose of receiving our newsletter(s). No data is transferred to third parties. Nor is any of this information matched to any information that other components of our website may collect.

You may cancel your subscription to the newsletter at any time, for example following a link at the end of each newsletter. Alternatively, you may send an email to asking to be unsubscribed.

We furthermore use the following instruments:


Use of MailChimp
Newsletter Consent

You will be asked to consent to the use of your personal data to receive our newsletter as follows:

“I have read the privacy policy and I give my consent to data being processed by a service provider located in the United States”.

We use the newsletter to provide you with regular updates about our offers. To receive our newsletter, you will need a valid email address. We will then check the email address entered to ensure that you are actually its owner or if its owner has agreed to receive our newsletter. By registering for the newsletter, we will save your IP address and date and time of registration. This will be used in case a third party misuses your email address to subscribe to our newsletter without your knowledge.

We will not compare the data collected during newsletter registration with any other data that might be collected by other components of our site.

Newsletter by MailChimp

We use MailChimp to send our newsletter to our subscribers. MailChimp is a service provided by The Rocket Science Group, LLC, 512 Means Street, Suite 404, Atlanta, GA 30318, USA.

The data stored when you register for the newsletter (email address, name, IP address, and time and date of registration) will be sent to a server operated by The Rocket Science Group in the United States and stored there in accordance with the EU-US Privacy Shield treaty.

Further information about the data protection offered by MailChimp can be found at:

Further information about the EU-US Privacy Shield treaty can be found at:

Die Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit

You may cancel your newsletter subscription and revoke your consent to the storage of this data at any time with future effect. For instructions to take this step, please refer to the confirmation e-mail and each newsletter.


Our newsletter includes so-called web bugs that allow us to recognise if and when an email has been opened and which links in the email have been clicked by its recipient.

This data is stored by us so that we can best align our newsletter to the wishes and interests of our subscribers. Accordingly, the data thus collected is used to send personalised newsletters to each recipient.

You will be asked to consent to the use of your personal data as follows:

“I agree that my data and my user responses will be stored electronically by newsletter tracking so that I can receive a personalised newsletter. The revocation of the consent to receive the newsletter constitutes a revocation of the consent for the tracking described above.”

By revoking the consent to receive the newsletter, the consent to the mentioned tracking is revoked as well.

c) Use of our contact form

On our website we offer you the opportunity to contact us for any questions by using a contact form. There, the disclosure of an email address is necessary for us in order to know, who has send the request and to be able to answer it. Further information can be disclosed voluntarily.

The processing of data for the purpose of contacting us is carried out according to article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter a of GDPR on the basis of your voluntarily given consent.

The personal data collected by us for the use of the contact form will be automatically deleted after completion of your request. No data is transferred to third parties. Nor is any of this information matched to any information that may be collected by other components of our website.

3. Transmission of data
There will be no transmission of your personal data to third parties for other purposes than the following.

We only transmit your personal data to third parties, if:

You have expressly given your consent according to article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter a of GDPR.
The transmission is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims according to article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter f of GDPR and there is no reason to believe that your legitimate interests for excluding transmission of the data take precedence.
There is a legal obligation for the transmission according to article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter c of GDPR.
It is permitted by law and necessary for the processing of contractual relationships with you according to article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter b of GDPR.

4. Cookies
Our website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are automatically created by your internet browser and that are stored on your device (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when you visit our website. Cookies do not cause any damage on your device and do not contain viruses, Trojans or any other damaging software.

The cookie contains information that are connected to the respective device used. However, this does not mean that we thereby get direct knowledge about your identity.

The use of cookies allows us to make our offer more user-friendly. We use so-called session cookies in order to recognise that you have already visited certain pages of our website. These are automatically deleted after leaving our site.

Furthermore, we use temporary cookies for the optimisation of the usability equally that are stored on your device for a certain period of time set. When you visit our website again to use our services, it will automatically be recognised that you have already been there and which entries and settings you have made so that you do not have to enter this data again.

Moreover, we use cookies to statistically record the use of our website and analyse the data for the purpose of optimising our offer for you. These cookies ensure that our systems can recognise your browser if you visit our site again. These cookies are automatically deleted after a certain period of time.

The processing of data through cookies is necessary recalling our and third party’s legitimate interests in the above-mentioned purposes as well as those of third parties according to article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter f of GDPR.

Most browsers accept cookies automatically. You can, however, adjust the technical settings of your web browser and prevent the retention of cookies on your computer or activate the option that before a cookie is created, a notice appears. However, please note, that through the complete deactivation of cookies you may not be able to make full use of all the functions of our website.

Following the links below, you can get information on how to administrate (or even deactivate) cookies in the most important browsers:

Chrome Browser:

Internet Explorer:

Mozilla Firefox:


5. Analysis and tracking tools
The following analysis and tracking tools are used by us on the basis of to article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter f of GDPR. Through the tracking measures used we aim to ensure an appropriate design and the continued optimisation of our website. Moreover, tracking measures are applied to statistically record the use of our website analyse the data for the purpose of optimising our offer for you. These interests are to be considered as legitimate within the meaning of the afore-mentioned provision.

For the respective purposes of data processing and data categories, please refer to the specific tracking tools.

a) Use of Google Analytics

For the purpose of an appropriate design and continued optimisation of our website, we use Google Analytics, a web analysis service from Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, hereinafter referred to as “Google“. In this context, pseudonymised user profiles are created and cookies (see clause 4) are used. The information created by the cookie regarding your use of the website such as

Type and version of browser
Used operating system
Referrer URL (the page visited before)
Host name of the requesting computer (IP address)
Time of the server request
will be transmitted to a Google server in the US and stored there. The information is used to evaluate the usage of the website, to compile reports on the website activity, and to provide other services related to website- and internet usage for the purpose of market research and appropriate designing of these websites. This information will also be transmitted to third parties, as far as this is prescribed by law or if third parties process this data. Your IP address will not be associated with other data held by Google. The IP addresses is anonymised in such way that it cannot be assigned to a user (IP masking).

You can prevent cookies from being installed by adjusting the settings on your browser software accordingly. You should be aware, however, that by doing so you may not be able to make full use of all the functions of our website.

You can moreover prevent the collection of data created by the cookie and related to your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google and the processing of this data by Google by downloading and installing the browser plug in available following this link:

In order to prevent the collection of data across multiple devices through Google Analytics, you can place an opt-out cookie. Opt-out cookies prevent the future collection of your data during the visit of this website. You have to execute the opt-out on all systems and devices used to ensure its comprehensive effect. If you delete the cookies in your browser, you have to place the opt-out cookie again. By clicking the following link, the opt-out cookie will be placed: deactivate Google Analytics.

For more information about the data protection in connection with Google Analytics, you may visit the Google Analytics support:

b) Google Adwords conversion tracking

In order to statistically record the use of our website and analyse the data for the purpose of optimising our website for you, we also utilise the Google conversion tracking. If you access our site by way of a Google ad, a cookie (see clause 4) is placed on your computer

These cookies cease to be active after 30 days and are not used to identify you personally. If the user visits certain pages of our website while the cookie is still active, we and Google would know that the user has clicked on ads placed on Google and were redirected to our site.

Every Adwords client receives a special cookie. Cookies can therefore not be tracked via the websites of Adwords clients. The information obtained through conversion cookies are used to compile conversion statistics for Adwords clients using conversion tracking. The Adwords clients monitor the total number of users who have clicked on their ad as well as which pages connected with a conversion tracking tag of their site were then accessed by each user. However, they do not receive any kind of information that can be used to personally identify users.

You can prevent the installation of “conversion cookies” by making the appropriate change to your browser settings, for example by activating a browser setting which deactivates the automatic placement of cookies or by blocking cookies from the domain ““. You can obtain the relevant data privacy policy from Google at:

c) Use of Google reCAPTCHA

On our website we use the service reCAPTCHA of Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA; hereinafter referred to as “Google“). The request is used to distinguish if the corresponding input is of human origin or is created by automated machine processing. The request includes the transmission of the IP address and possibly further data needed by Google for the reCAPTCHA services to Google. For this purpose, your entry will be transmitted to Google and processed there. However, Google will shorten your IP address within member states of the European Union or other countries, which are contracting parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area before. Only in exceptional cases, the full IP address will be transferred to a Google server in the US to be shortened there. On behalf of the operator of this website Google will use this information to evaluate your use of this service. The IP address provided as part of “reCAPTCHA” is not merged with other data from Google. Your data will be possibly transferred to the US. The European Commission has approved an appropriate adequacy decision, the “Privacy Shield”, for the data transfers to the US. Google takes part in the “Privacy Shield” and acts in accordance with these provisions. By confirming the request, you consent to the processing of your data. The processing of data is carried out on the basis of article 6 (1) lit. a of GDPR with your consent. You can revoke your consent at any time without affecting the legality of the processing until the revocation based on the consent.

You can find more information on the Google reCAPTCHA and the connected data protection declaration here:

d) Posting comments

On our website we offer you the opportunity to post comments about individual articles. For this purpose, the IP address of the user/internet connection subscriber is stored. This information is stored for our security in the event the author through his/her comments infringes against third party rights and/or unlawful content is entered. Consequently, we have a direct interest in the author’s stored data, particularly since we may be potentially liable for such violations. No data is transferred to third parties. Nor is any of this information matched to any information that may be collected by other components of our website.

6. Social Media Plugins
On the basis of article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter f of GDPR we use social plugins of the social networks Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, YouTube and Pinterest on our website in order to thereby raise awareness of our company. The connected promotional purpose shall be considered as legitimate interest in line with the GDPR. The responsibility for the operation in compliance with data protection has to be granted by the respective operator. The integration of these plugins by us is made by means of the so-called two click method in order to protect the visitors of our website in the best possible way.

a) Twitter

Our website utilises plugins provided by the short messaging service Twitter Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Twitter). You recognise the Twitter plugins (tweet button) by means of the Twitter logo on our website. You can find an overview of the tweet buttons here:

Each time you access a page of our website equipped with such a plugin, your browser establishes a direct connection to the Twitter servers. Through this process, Twitter is informed that you have visited our website with your IP address. When you click the tweet button, while you are logged in to your Twitter account, you can link the content of our pages on your Twitter profile. Thereby, Twitter can associate the visit of our pages to your user account. Please note that as operator of the website, we have no control over the data that Twitter collects in the process, or over the extent of the data that Twitter collects.

If you do not wish that Twitter can associate the visit of our pages to your account, please log out of your Twitter account.

Additional information may be obtained from the Twitter data privacy policy, at:

b) Use of Google+ recommendation components

Our website utilises the “+1“-buttom from Google+ belonging to Google.

Each time our website receives an access request equipped with a “+1“ component, the component prompts your browser to download an image of this component from Google. Through this process, Google is informed precisely which page of our website is being visited.

As specified by Google, your visit undergoes no additional analysis in the event you are not logged into your Google account.

If you access our site while logged in to Google and press the “+1″ button, Google can collect information about your Google account, websites you recommend as well as your IP address, along with other browser-related information.

This allows your “+1“ recommendation to be stored and publicised. Your Google “+1“ recommendation can then appear as a reference in other Google services, such as search results, your Google account or other places, such as on websites and ads in the internet, , together with your account name and, if applicable, a picture you provided to Google. Furthermore, Google can link your visit to our site with data stored by Google. Google also records this information for the purpose of further improving Google services.

If you wish to minimise the collection of information by Google as previously described, you must log out of your Google account before visiting our website.

You can access Google‘s data protection policies relating to the “+1“ button together with all relevant information on the collection, transfer and use of data by Google, your rights in this regard as well as your profile settings options at the following link:

c) Use of YouTube components with enhanced data protection mode

On our website we use components (videos) of YouTube, LLC 901 Cherry Ave., 94066 San Bruno, CA, USA, a company belonging to Google and hereinafter referred to as YouTube.

To this end, we use the “ – enhanced data protection mode – ” option provided by YouTube.

When you display a page that has an embedded video, a connection will be made to the YouTube server and the content will appear on the website via a communication to your browser.

According to the information provided by YouTube, in “ – enhanced data protection mode -”, data is only transferred to the YouTube server, in particular which of our websites you have visited, when you watch the video. If you are logged in to YouTube at the same time, this information will be matched to your YouTube member account. You can prevent this from happening by logging out of your member account before visiting our website.

Further information about data protection by YouTube is provided by Google under the following link:

d) Use of Pinterest

Our website utilises the services of is a service of Pinterest, Inc., 808 Brannan St, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA (hereinafter referred to as Pinterest). Through the “Pin it“ button integrated into our website, Pinterest is informed that you have accessed that particular page of our site. If you are logged in to Pinterest, Pinterest can associate your visit to our site with your Pinterest account and thereby create a link to the data collected. Pinterest stores the data that is transferred through clicks on “Pin it“ buttons. You can find more information with respect to the purpose and extent of data collected, how it is processed and used as well as your rights in this regard and what settings you can use to protect your privacy by consulting the Pinterest data protection policy, which you can access at

To prevent Pinterest from associating your visit to our website to your Pinterest account, you must first log out of your Pinterest account before visiting our site.

e) Use of LinkedIn recommendation components

Our website employs components provided by the network LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a service of LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Each time our website receives an access request equipped with a LinkedIn component, the component prompts your browser to download an image of this component from LinkedIn. Through this process, LinkedIn is informed exactly which page of our website is being accessed. By clicking the LinkedIn “recommend button“, while logged in to your LinkedIn account, you can link content from our website to your LinkedIn profile. This allows LinkedIn to associate your visit to our site with your LinkedIn account.

We have no control over the data that LinkedIn collects thereby, nor over the extent of the data that LinkedIn collects. Nor do we have any knowledge of the content of data transferred to LinkedIn. Details on data collection by LinkedIn as well as your rights in this regard and your browser setting options may be obtained from the LinkedIn data privacy policy, which may be accessed at:

7. Rights of persons concerned
You have the right to

Request information on your personal data retained and processed by us according to article 15 of GDPR. You can especially request information on the purposes of the processing, the category of the personal data, the categories of recipients, to whom the data has been or might be disclosed, the planned storage period, the existence of the right to correction, deletion, limitation of the processing or objection, the existence of a right of appeal, the origin of data, as far as they have not been collected by us, as well as on the existence of an automated decision making including profiling and possibly significant information on their details;
Request the correction of false or the completion of your personal data stored by us according to article 16 of GDPR;
Request the deletion of your personal data stored by us according to article 17 of GDPR, as far as the processing is not necessary for the exercise of free speech and information, for compliance with a legal obligation, for reasons of public interest or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;
Request the limitation of processing of your personal data according to article 18 of GDPR, as far as the accuracy of the data is contested by you, the processing is illegal, you refuse their deletion and we do not need the data anymore, but you need it for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims or you have objected to the processing according to article 21 of GDPR;
Receive your personal data, that you have provided, in a structured, conventional and machine-readable format or to request the transmission to another responsible person according to article 20 of GDPR;
Revoke your consent that you have granted us at any time according to article 7 of GDPR. As a result, we are not allowed to continue the processing of data based on this consent; and
Complain to a supervisory authority according to article 77 of GDPR. Normally, you can therefore contact the supervisory authority of your usual residence or workplace or of our law address.

8. Right of objection
In case your personal data is processed on the basis of legitimate interests according to article 6 paragraph 1 sentence 1 letter f of GDPR, you have, according to article 21 of GDPR, the right to appeal against the processing of your personal data if there are reasons deriving from your special situation or if the appeal aims at direct marketing. In the latter case you possess a general right of objection without the necessity to state a special situation, which we will follow.

In case you want to make use of your right of revocation or objection, an e-mail to is sufficient.

9. Data security
In the context of your website visit we use the common SSL-procedure (Secure Socket Layer) in connection with the highest respective encryption, which is supported by your browser. Usually it is a 256 Bit encryption. In case your browser does not support a 256 encryption, we instead use the 128 Bit v3 technology. You can see at the display of a closed lock in the status line at the bottom of your browser when a single page of our website is transmitted in an encrypted way.

We furthermore use appropriate technical and organisational security means, to protect your data from accidental or intentional manipulations, complete or partial loss, deletion or unauthorised access by any third person. We continuously improve our security measures according to the technological development.

10. Validity and change of this privacy statement
This privacy statement is currently valid and was last updated in May 2018.

Caused by the further development of our website and our offers on it or by changed legal or administrative rules it may become necessary to adjust this privacy statement. The latest privacy statement can be found and printed at any time via